Melodic Minor Modes - Ear Training mp3s and PDF

Melodic Minor, Ear Training, Modes

The ear is the point of leverage for all musical improvement, insight, development and possibility. It is relatively easy to improve the ear through listening, transcribing and singing. Simply singing along with these mp3s is the main method through which you will develop your ears using this educational series. Just like learning to sing Happy Birthday, Marry Had a Little Lamb or any other childhood song, simply singing along with music will, over time, develop the ear in a deep, natural way. If I asked you to play Happy birthday in any key you on your primary instrument would most likely just start and use your ear to find the correct notes fixing any mistakes if they arose. This is because you hear the melody strongly enough to use your ear as the easiest solution to the challenge. As the difficulty of the music increases, we have a tendency to find other ways to remember the right notes instead of using our ear or aural image. This is only because we don't hear those more complex melodies and harmonic sounds as well as we hear Happy Birthday so we rely on thought, math, muscle memory or other methods to produce what should be entirely heard with the ease and clarity of a simple nursery rhyme. This is a great routine to do in the car or using head phones during house work, walking etc. 

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